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Главная » Новости на английском » Meeting with Fellow Generals of the Russian Armed Forces
Meeting with Fellow Generals of the Russian Armed Forces
Meeting with Fellow Generals of the Russian Armed Forces
For the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

On November 17, the presentation of the book by a member of the Union of Writers of Chuvashia G. V. Viktorov entitled “The General's Way” took place in the Chuvash National Library. The book is devoted to the life of the generals of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation Nikolay Sidorov and Vitaly Sidorov, natives of the village of Chetyrla, Shentalinsky district, Samara (Kuibyshev) Region. Nikolai and Vitaly were born to a peasant Chuvash family, finished a village school, then a military school and a military academy, served in the railway troops for many years, commanded large military units, became a real symbol of masculinity, patriotism and love for the small and the great homeland for their compatriots.
Today this is the only known fact in Chuvashia when two siblings (born 1955 and 1957) devoted their lives to serving the Fatherland and were awarded high military ranks, government awards, and became prominent military leaders. The generals do not forget their homeland and support their compatriots in many ways. They founded the regional public organization “Shentalina fraternity”, the main task of which is to unite the efforts of compatriots, Shentalins, for the benefit of their small homeland. The Sidorovs make a huge contribution to the patriotic education of the younger generation by taking part in meetings and events. They initiated an agreement on cooperation and patronage of the Shentalinsky district with the Command of the railway troops. Now the best of the recruits are sent to serve in the city of Yekaterinburg, where the Sidorov brothers served for a long time.
The book shows in detail the life of the generals, the role of school, family education, labor traditions in the formation of feelings of responsibility, patriotism and civic duty.
The author of the book G. A. Viktorov, Major General N. A. Sidorov, Honored Worker of Culture of Chuvashia, journalist A. N. Vrazhkin, teacher of the highest category, member of the Union of Writers of Chuvashia G. S. Solovyova, People's Writer of Chuvashia M. Yuhma, members of the Union of Officers “Sons of the Fatherland” discussed the book at the presentation. The meeting was attended by veterans of the armed forces, teachers, students of cadet schools of Cheboksary, students of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Technological and Economic Faculty of Yakovlev ChSPU, who shared their impressions of the book.
A detailed and comprehensive analysis of the book “The General Way” was made by its reviewer I. V. Pavlov, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, Doctor of Pedagogy, professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University.
The author of the book G. Viktorov and Major General N. Sidorov answered the questions from the audience, thanked the participants of the meeting, wished everyone good health and creative success.

L. N. Ivanova, V. Yu. Igoshin

December 18, 2019
Photo from the archive of I. V. Pavlov

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Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации